Sunday 12th January 2025 at 10:00am Holy Communion. The first Sunday after Epiphany led by Chris with Samuel preaching.
Tea and Coffee will be available after the service
Other Events
Tues 14th Jan 9.15 – 9.45am Prayer Meeting
2.00pm Tuesday Fellowship
Wed 15th 9.15 - 9.45am Prayer Meeting
Thurs 16th 9.30am - 12 noon Mustard Seed Café in the hall
10.00am – 12 noon Foodbank
6.30pm Explorers Club in the hall
7.45pm Pathfinders Club in the hall
Fri 17th 9.15 – 9.45am Prayer Meeting
Sun 19th 10.00am All Age Worship led by Jess/Dave
We look forward to welcoming you!
Other Activities
Please find a link below to the Methodist Learning Network brochure for 24/25. It contains information about many of the training and facilitation courses offered by the learning network over the course of this year.
The Community Café is open from 09.30am to 12.00pm on Thursdays, and is for anyone from the community or church who wish to attend. It is a warm place to meet new friends or catch up with old ones. There are many helpful groups attending including one to help with phones and computers, Citizens Advice and another, on an ad-hoc basis, helping people find work.
The Warm Room is open Monday to Friday in Coniston Café 2pm – 4pm. Drinks are free.
The Methodist Centre In Bristol has changed it's name to “Turnaround Bristol”.
New FREE Mental Wellbeing Workshops and Courses open for booking
- Reframing Loneliness Workshop - 23 January
- Understanding Trauma Course – 4 weeks starting 30 January
- Building Resilience Workshop – 27 February
- Coping with Low Mood Course – 4 weeks, starting 6 March
To Book please go to South Gloucestershire webpage, or call 0117 914 5498, email
We’re recruiting foster carers in South Gloucestershire. Have you got what it takes to change a child or a young person’s life?
Get in touch to find out more: 01454 866423 -
RHYTHM OF LIFE – Diocese of Bristol
Create a Rhythm of life that works for you. We are all different. The demands of life change constantly so our spiritual rhythms adapt to match them. Our Rhythm of Life resources are there to help you explore and find the rhythms that work for you in different seasons.
Rhythm of Life - Contact: 0117 906 0100
St Helen’s church Alveston have started an afternoon concert series January to April 2025 on the fourth Sunday of each month at 4pm, known as 4@4. These concerts last about 45 minutes and will feature regional performers and be followed by tea and cake.
The programme for the next season is:
January 26: Chris Hall (baritone) and Rob Burgess (piano).
February 23: Cantanti, A Cappella voices
March 23: Flying guitars, Father and Son duo
April 27: Brief illustrated talk explaining the refurbishment of the organ at St Helen’s, followed by a short recital.
Heather and Penny went along to one of the events in November and thoroughly enjoyed it. If you would like to come along on the 26th, please let Penny or Heather know so that transport can be arranged if needed. Please contact the Church office in the first instance.
Rev. David Brae Priest-In-Charge. David is joined by his wife Emma and children James and Hannah.